The meaning of International Women's Day 2020 to Ethic team members
Monday, March 9, 2020
March 2020
A more in depth exploration of key sustainability topics
The meaning of International Women's Day 2020 to Ethic team members

Sunday, March 8 was International Women's Day. To reflect on what this day means to us and our company's mission, we asked a few of our team members to put the meaning of International Women's Day into their own words. Here's what they had to say.

Corinne Merriman, Relationship Management

For International Women’s Day, I want to take a moment for gratitude (as we so often do at Ethic)! Gratitude that I get to come into work every day to Ethic: a firm that pays me fairly, treats my opinion equally, promotes women into management roles, and, most importantly, that our efforts are directly working toward achieving the same for other women worldwide. 

Jennie LaCourt, People Operations 

I’m extremely proud of the fact that our 28 person team has an equal number of men and women — it feels like a crack in the glass ceiling of both the tech and financial services industries. 

Kelly Mahoney, Relationship Management

I’m proud of our unique approach to creating sustainability portfolios by not only supporting women in leadership, but supporting women throughout an organization and the world in which we all live in. 

Aleks Itskovich, Technology

Whenever I tell people about Ethic, I always mention two things. The first is that we’re making the world more sustainable by cleaning up portfolios, and the second is that we employ an equal number of men and women. I just feel so proud of that fact that the composition of the company reflects what the world actually looks like, I’m always compelled to mention it. It feels so bonkers that that still feels like a big accomplishment, but unfortunately it still is. Having a diverse workforce is just so engaging, interesting and inspiring because you’re constantly encountering different perspectives. I feel so lucky that I work for a company whose principles I can believe in.

Alex Laipple, Relationship Management

I’m the lucky dad of two young girls. Each day when I wake up I’m fighting for their future. Ethic is the spark the industry needs to create a future where Charlotte and Ruthie can be exactly what they dream of.

Johny Mair, Co-founder

Equality is easy if you just treat people equally. 

Shah Mohammed, Technology

One of my daughters asked what does 'Girls are the future' that was printed on her t-shirt means. Explaining the harsh reality of the world to a 5 year old was painful. "It doesn't make any sense," was her response. What we do at Ethic gives a new meaning not only to my professional life but also to my personal life in many levels.

Sarah Donnelly Patel, Operations

Creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement are core to the way we operate as a team at Ethic. Each of these is enhanced in an environment that encourages and empowers all the varied voices, experiences, and perspectives our team brings fully to work everyday. That work environment is something I personally greatly value. We get to make that a reality everyday at Ethic, but also well beyond the walls of our office as we work to provide investors tools to assess and redeploy their investments based on issues that matter most to them.

Amanda Baker, Relationship Management

Part of what I love about the way our team thinks about Women’s Rights is that we think through all the aspects of what makes women successful at work - including day care and flexible work options. One reason I love working at Ethic is that I get to work with an amazing group of (four!) accomplished women on the five person client solutions team!! 

Rebecca Hu, Sustainability

The wonderful part of working at Ethic is that when you have so many different people with different identities and perspectives you get to just be a person—my struggles and strengths are just part of who I am, not viewed in the context of my gender.

Abhinav Sharma, Technology Intern

Working with a dynamic team feels energetic and engaging. It is amazing to be part of a team composed of accomplished and diverse group of women. Being an elder brother to a sister, Ethic is the kind of organization which, I believe, is creating a future that I would want for her.

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Sources and footnotes

Jennie LaCourt, originally from Boston, graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in History. She is a recent transplant to New York after five years in Washington DC, beginning her People Operations career at POLITICO, and most recently managed People Operations for a technology start-up called Xometry.

Kelly Mahoney is Director of Growth at Ethic. Kelly works closely with Ethic’s clients and internal team to enhance the client experience, with a focus on product marketing, go-to-market strategies, advisor education, and operations. Kelly joined the Ethic family in 2018 and has close to 10 years of experience working in various roles across the financial services space.

Aleks Itskovitch, originally from Brooklyn and of Russian heritage, graduated from Hunter College with a B.A. in Chemistry and German Language & Literature. He worked at the Cornell Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics and is currently pursuing an M.A. in Computer Science at NYU. 

Alex Laipple is originally from Pittsburgh, PA, now living in New Jersey with wife Meghan and his  four daughters Charlotte, Ruthie, Quinn, and Ellie. Alex has over 15 years’ experience in Business Development and Growth roles within start-ups and asset management firms.

Johny Mair was raised in Australia, and driven by love of technology, collaborating, and bringing ideas to life. He has been building technology products across three different continents and led product teams at Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan, BlackRock, Fidelity, Guy Carpenter, Goldman Sachs and a number of high-growth startups before co-founding Ethic. He studied Mechanical Engineering at Queensland University of Technology.

Amanda Baker graduated from Tufts University with a B.S. in Environmental Engineering and minors in engineering management and child development. Amanda worked at Goldman Sachs for two years in physical commodities before joining Ethic.

Rebecca Hu is director of Sustainability Product at Ethic. Rebecca has spent the last 7 years building technology products to help navigate the complex world of sustainability. Previously Rebecca studied engineering and studio art at Dartmouth College.